My Favourite Types of Shots for Equine Photoshoots

My favourite types of shots for equine photoshoots!

When photographing a rider and their horse (s) I have a few go to poses to get story telling images:

Action shots:

Photos at horse shows, you riding your hose, or even walking with your horse add motions and interest in the image.

Close-up shots:

These photos create a sense of intimacy and connection between horse and rider and show the deeper level of their relationship.

Interaction shots:

Interaction between horse and rider allows for their true relationship to shine. Let them graze their horse, sit with them, and talk to them. The horse and riders personality really comes to life in these photos.

Environmental shots:

These images capture the horse in their natural environment. They add more story to the image, and allow for more visual interest as there is a mix of landscape photography, portrait photography, and documentary photography. 

Some of my favourite prompts are:

“ Walk with your horse ” 

“ Graze your horse and pet them on the neck ” 

“ Pet on your horses neck and look back towards me “

“ Look at your horse and remember the funniest moment you had together “ 

“ Walk off into the sunset and bring the horses neck towards you as you walk”